My coursework at Grinnell College in Theatre and in History informs my productions.
Theatre Coursework
Studies in Drama I: Shakespeare Seminar
Dramatic Literature II (1800-present) Dramatic Literature I (Greeks-1800) British Theatre in Performance (study abroad in London) Directing Period Acting Styles Intermediate Acting Fundamentals of Acting Traditional Chinese Theatre Movement for the Performer Stage Management Intro to Technical Theatre |
History Coursework
Mentored Advanced Project: 1968 Iowa Students
American History II (Reconstruction-present) U.S. Immigration History Independent Study: Guest Workers and Immigration in the U.S. European Urban History Holocaust: Interpretation and Memory History of London (study abroad in London) History of Ancient Greece Europe in Renaissance and Reformation History Proseminar |
Writing Samples
The Loss of Children: Mothers in Ghosts, Riders to the Sea, and Mother Courage
Final Paper in Dramatic Literature II Nature's Renewal: City and Country in Shakespeare's Comedies and Romances Final Paper in Studies in Drama I: Shakespeare Seminar |
Women of Troy Director's Note
Director's Note for Women of Troy Self-Governance in 1960s Grinnell Final Paper for a History Mentored Advanced Project The presentation can be seen here. |